Cultural Awareness Training on Working Effectively Across Cultural Borders

Culturewise develops cross-cultural communication and work skills for global leaders, managers and team-members.Cultural Awareness and Cross-Cultural Training

You probably have expectations about how people should behave at work and about the motivations of the individuals you encounter. These expectations are based on your experiences and what you have learned from the people and organizations around you.

But when working globally, colleagues, clients, and business partners may challenge your way of looking at things, or only partially comply with your understanding of how they should behave.

It can be emotionally and mentally challenging to recognize that the people you work with do not necessarily share your ways of thinking and acting.

In order to work better you need to understand where cultural differences are encountered in global business, how they impact, and what you may need to do differently.

Culturewise helps Global Leaders, Managers, and Team-Members learn the importance of recognising, interpreting, and responding appropriately to cultural differences in business.

Leaders and Managers will become more adapt and flexible in global negotiations, conflict resolution and international team-leadership, and better at leading, managing and motivating staff in different countries and cultures. They will learn how to integrate different cultural approaches to ensures things are done the right way across the global business.

Team-Members will learn how to make choices about behaviours that can help get things done more successfully when working with people from different cultural backgrounds. This will turn regular global teams into culturally-intelligent high-performing teams.

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Call Culturewise now on + 44 20 7383 3368, or complete the enquiry form below.

Culturewise develops cross-cultural skills for global leaders, managers and team-members.

You probably have expectations about how people should behave at work and about the motivations of the individuals you encounter. These expectations are based on your past experiences, and what you have learned from the people you work with and organizations around you.

But when working globally, colleagues, clients, and business partners may challenge your way of looking at things, or only partially comply with your understanding of how they should behave.

It can be emotionally and mentally challenging to recognize that the people you work with do not necessarily share your ways of thinking and acting.

In order to work better you need to understand where cultural differences are encountered in global business, how they impact, and what you may need to do differently.

Culturewise can help your Global Leaders, Managers, and Team-Members learn the importance of recognising, interpreting, and responding appropriately to cultural differences in global business.

Leaders and Managers will become more adapt and flexible in global negotiations, conflict resolution and international team-leadership, and better at leading, managing and motivating staff in different countries and cultures. They will learn how to integrate different cultural approaches to ensures things are done the right way across the global business.

Team-Members will learn how to make choices about behaviours that can help get things done more successfully when working with people from different cultural backgrounds. This will turn regular global teams into culturally-intelligent high-performing teams.

Our Most Popular Webinars and Workshops.

Working Effectively Across Cultures

Working Effectively Across Cultures is a bespoke training workshop designed to build practical skills for leaders, manager, and team-members who need to work effectively in any global business location.

Training develops practical cross-cultural communication, work and management skills for any global business encounter.

Content includes knowledge, techniques and practical skills for effective cross-cultural communication, managing and working.

Successful delegates demonstrate confidence and competence in working with global business partners, colleagues, suppliers, and customers.

The result is better outcomes and fewer cultural misunderstandings when working with partners, colleagues, and customers from different cultural backgrounds.

  • Global leaders and managers.
  • International team-members.
  • International assignees.
  • From 2 hours to one-day.
  • Webinars or in-house workshops.
  • Executive coaching.

Leading, Managing and Working In Global Teams

Leading, Managing and Working in Global Teams is interactive training that develops understanding and best practice for managing international teams, as well as practical skills for communicating and managing effectively in the virtual and global team environment.

The training is suitable for team leaders, managers and members, and newly forming and pre-existing global teams. Training includes case studies and opportunities to apply learning to real-life challenges.

Content includes knowledge, techniques and practical skills for leading, managing and working in global and virtual teams.

Successful delegates demonstrate an understanding of the key challenges associated with leading and managing international and virtual business teams, together with practical strategies for building trust and aligning team goals, communication practices and work process.

The result is high-performing international and virtual teams, with leaders, managers and team members better equipped to overcome barriers and communicate effectively across cultural, language and other barriers in international business.

  • Global team leaders and managers.
  • International team-members.
  • Newly-forming or pre-existing global teams.
  • From 2 hours to one-day.
  • Webinars or in-house workshops.
  • Executive coaching.

Where Does Culture Impact Business?

Cultural differences in business are most often encountered in one or more of five key areas: Communication, Hierarchy, Relationship, Process & Structure, and Time. Watch the video to find out more.