Even the best-performing employees sometimes feel outside their comfort zones when working with an unfamiliar country or region.

Culturewise’s cultural awareness training improves the confidence of global leaders, managers and team-members.

Confident employees are more comfortable with co-workers and customers from different cultures; more inclined to take on high-pressure international challenges; better able to convey messages using the right cultural tone; and less concerned about making cultural errors or faux pas.

Even the best-performing employees sometimes feel outside their comfort zones when working with an unfamiliar country or region.

Culturewise’s cultural awareness training improves the confidence of global leaders, managers and team-members.

Confident employees are more comfortable with co-workers and customers from different cultures; more inclined to take on high-pressure international challenges; better able to convey messages using the right cultural tone; and less concerned about making cultural errors or faux pas.


Culturally capable employees understand their own work and communication styles.  They recognise how culture shapes their approach to business and workplace behaviour, and how they may be perceived by colleagues, partners and customers from different cultural backgrounds.

Knowing that other cultures are different, and knowing something about other cultures, provides a firm foundation for high-performing cross-border relationships, off-shoring and outsourcing projects, mergers and acquisitions, international joint ventures, international expansion and partnership engagement.


Cultural misunderstandings can damage global business relationships.

To communicate and work successfully in diverse, multicultural business environments takes skill.

Above all, it requires a well-developed capacity to bridge cultural divides and develop effective communication across cultures.

Culturewise’s cultural awareness training recognises, acknowledges and reinforces current best practice in your business, and introduces new skills, techniques and best practices for bridging cultural differences in your workplace, or with global customers, clients and partners.

Cultural misunderstandings can damage global business relationships.

To communicate and work successfully in diverse, multicultural business environments takes skill.

Above all, it requires a well-developed capacity to bridge cultural divides and develop effective communication across cultures.

Culturewise’s cultural awareness training recognises, acknowledges and reinforces current best practice in your business, and introduces new skills, techniques and best practices for bridging cultural differences in your workplace, or with global customers, clients and partners.


Multi-cultural team-members can bring different expectations and behaviours into a global team. For example, different communication styles; attitudes towards hierarchy and status; approaches to giving and receiving feedback; and approaches to conflict-resolution.

As a result, leading and managing global and virtual teams demands a special kind of performance.

Our training builds practical abilities for bridging cultural differences in teams, and for managing, working and communicating effectively in the global team environment.


Cultural savvy on your key global markets is vital.

Culturewise training develops knowledge of things like gift-giving; business socialising; gender issues at work; attitudes to appointments, schedules and deadlines; influencing and decision-making; negotiating; meetings; hierarchies, status and leadership; communication styles; giving feedback; greetings, gestures and body language; business dress, and much more.

And when you know more about the cultural and perspectives of your global partners, colleagues or partners, you can get more done.

Cultural savvy on your key global markets is vital.

Culturewise training develops knowledge of things like gift-giving; business socialising; gender issues at work; attitudes to appointments, schedules and deadlines; influencing and decision-making; negotiating; meetings; hierarchies, status and leadership; communication styles; giving feedback; greetings, gestures and body language; business dress, and much more.

And when you know more about the cultural and perspectives of your global partners, colleagues or partners, you can get more done.


We build proven and sustainable skill and techniques to lead more effectively across cultural, virtual and remote barriers in global business.

Your leaders and managers will become more adapt and flexible in global negotiations, conflict resolution and international team-leadership, and better at leading, managing and motivating staff in different countries and cultures.

This enables the integration of different cultural approaches, and ensures things are done the same way across the global business.

Your key leaders, managers and team-members will understand key cultural differences that colleagues from different backgrounds bring into the global work environment. They will demonstrate skills to map and describe the impact of these cultural differences in positive and objective ways.

Up-to-date knowledge of the impact of cultural differences in international business means your business can avoid cultural mistakes, misunderstandings and faux pas that damage global relationships.

For More Information

Call Culturewise now on +44 (0) 20 7383 3368 or complete the enquiry form below.